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Virginia writes a letter to Mother Young, detailing the family’s recent business, thanking them for gifts of apples while describing how the whole family is sick, especially George. George writes a shorter letter to accompany hers, where he speaks…

Author extended an invitation to Pierce to visit on Pierce's next trip out west. He mentioned an upcoming duck hunt at Beaver Dam and wished that Pierce could join him. The author mentioned being annoyed with Griff for not responding to several…

Pierce described the pomp and circumstance surrounding the visit to West Point by the Prince of Wales. Pierce expressed his displeasure about the fuss the Yankees made over dignitaries and his readiness to join the Southern Confederacy. He…

The author wrote an acknowledgment on behalf of Edmund of an invitation extended by Thomas to have Edmund come for a visit so Thomas can treat his illness. Regrets extended that Edmund cannot travel. Provides a lengthy and detailed description of…

George wrote to his father to request a signature on a deed and the immediate return of the signed deed for property owned by his father and sold to Dien & Dien. George mentioned another business entity who had an interest in the deed called…

Emma, the sister of Thomas, wrote to confirm the safe arrival of their mother. Emma reported that mother's sore arm was improving and the news of their brother Edmund's impending death. She reported that Sam was ill. She expressed thanks for a…

John M. Jones wrote to his cousin to Thomas to express his regret for having to decline an invitation to Thomas and Louisa's wedding, as well as an invitation to be a groomsman. 3 handwritten pages.

A love letter from Thomas to Kate expressing his concern about the long delay in receiving a letter from her and his high anxiety and worry about her health. He expressed how much he missed her and longed to hear from her. He asked Kate to write…

Tom Jones writes to Kate telling her is suffering from pneumonia and is tired because he has been caring for other sick patients the past week. He hopes she still loves him and wishes to get married; he still madly loves her and hopes to hear the…

A letter of encouragement from Aunt Mary to Pierce. She offered admonishment and advice to Pierce as he embarked on his commission to attend West Point. She shared news of Uncle Butler being very ill with mumps, and of Miss Thompson, a beautiful…

A love letter from Dr. Thomas F. Jones, Jr. to Kate expressing concern about her recent illness, his joy and delight in her, and his love and longing to see her again. He mentioned a communion meeting at the church and an adversarial situation…

Letter from Thomas L. Jones to his sister Caroline regarding the suicide of their brother Edmund Jones. Thomas recounted Edmund's affliction and expressed shock and dismay. He wrote words of consolation, and encouragement to have faith. I envelope…

A note to Pierce M.B. Young requesting his visit during Young's stay in New York. Unknown author mentioned that his brother was renting author's furnished house and the author was boarding with his family at 17 East 31st Street. 1 handwritten page.

Tom writes Kate a long letter wracked with insecurities after having their wedding has been postponed a week, hoping that Kate will look at him and marriage favorably and convincing her to wait and not overthink the predicament. He ends with…

Robert writes to Pierce at West Point, encouraging him to work hard and take advantage of the time he has to make the most of his studies, which will put him in the best possible position to have a good life after he graduates. He lets him know he is…

P.M.B. Young writes to his sister, disapproving of her choice of Tom Jones as husband and urging her to think carefully about her decision. He mentions 4th of July celebrations at West Point and that he wants money to travel to New York soon. His…

Although the letter is not signed, it appears to be Louisa writing to her brother, P.M.B. Young. She informs Young of local happenings and gossip. 4 handwritten pages.

The final page with author is not given, but from other similar letters this is Tom Jones to Kate. He misses her and hopes he can see her soon, he assures her despite the rumors he is not seeing anyone any longer in Kingston. 2 handwritten pages and…

PMB Young writes to his father, asking him for comments on a piece about horses that he wrote that an instructor is using in class. He sends home seeds from a plum he enjoyed, describes the events of a cadet election, and promises to write his mother…

P.M.B. writes home to his mother, and he talks about cadet life, his classes, and what he has been doing with his little spare time. Meanwhile, he talks about a merit appointment that he believes he should have been recommended for. 3 handwritten…

Robert Young is filling out a legal bill of sale to Germany and Champion, this is some form of legal document. 3 handwritten pages

L.L. Young writes to Washington Jones, telling him of his friend Thad H. Jones who is coming to Louisiana to open a new practice. 2 handwritten pages.

Louisa writes to Tom, excusing herself for being in a poor mental/physical state because her recent bouts of illness. Much of her family has been sick, including children and aunts. She hopes that she can come visit him or he can come visit her soon.…

George writes to father discussing the state of health of his mother, and giving ideas for cures, prescriptions, and discussing medical theory/history as well. 8 handwritten pages

Thomas writes Kate to express his love to her and his desire to be reunited with her, although he is thankful they are able to communicate through letter. He recently had a nice stay at Barnsley's, where he celebrated with music, food, and drink, and…

J.W. Jones writes to Jeni, thanking her for corresponding because since she does so rarely his family often wonders about her. His children have been sick and he is requesting a horse to be sent to him. His crops are not doing that great, neither are…

P.M.B. Young writes home to his sister (specific one unknown) his recent examinations, banquets for soldiers returning to campus, and graduation of a class and the ceremony that went along with it. 2 handwritten pages

Order from Confederate Army headquarters, Dept. of SC, GA & FL assigning Major General Young to the command of Iverson's Division to assume his commission. By command of Lieutenant General Hardee. Original document consists of one handwritten page.

A letter from a mother-in-law to her son-in-law about the death of her daughter. She referenced a good cotton crop. And someone named Alick who was employed by Dr. Framer. She sent him a picture of Kate and referred to another photo that she had. …

Letter was written right before P.M.B. Young's first furlough after two years at West Point. He mentions a receipt of money from father and agreement with father's views. Includes comments about reluctance to ask someone for a favor, disdain for…

A report by P.M.B. Young to his commanding officer, Colonel W.J. Hardee, informing him that he “observed” no infractions while on guard duty. 1 handwritten page.

From T. Farrow to Dr. Thomas Foster Jones in response to an invitation to Foster's upcoming wedding. Farrow informs Dr. Foster that he will be unable to make the wedding, but sends his best. 2 handwritten pages

Tom tells Kate that he has to cancel their upcoming visit due to a rise in patient visits. He also writes about his unsuccessful quest to find two letters she had previously written to Jones. He finishes the letter by telling her of the church choir…

Young is writing to his mother describing homesickness, his thoughts of resignation from the United States Military Academy, pertinent day-to-day activities for cadets, and his future. He expresses a desire to come home, but also the importance as a…

Tom tells Kate that he has written to her parents concerning the marriage proposal and his fear of rejection. 1 handwritten page.

Apologies made for delay in responding due to child's illness. Description of how much grandchildren miss grandparents and Aunt Lou and Uncle Pierce. Mention of wealthy, elegant Savannah city folk. Promise made to visit during the summer. …

Pierce M.B. Young writes a letter from West Point to his father, Dr. R.M. Young at the Young's family home in Georgia. In it, he details the tough life he is having at West Point, providing information on military drills and a recent sickness he has…

Jones writes of his travels, his fear of Kate’s parents rejecting his marriage proposal, and his joining of a local church. 3 handwritten pages.

A short letter from Young to his mother discussing the death of a “brother cadet” at the Georgia Military Institute. Young comments on the cause of death, which was pneumonia, and how symptoms such as pleurisy induced a very painful death. Young…

News on family health and well-being along with advice and encouragement on making courtship and marriage decisions. Requests that the family make a trip to SC for a visit. Includes a warning to Robert M. Young, Sr. to be watchful for a fugitive…

Letter recounting the writer meeting several (girl)friends and relating other friends who are engaged or married. Noted others who are sick or have died. Also mentioned monetary notes and a probated note. One handwritten envelope and four…

This one-page handwritten note to an unidentified recipient from an unknown author offers amiable sentiments toward Captain Young following an unspecified incident with May Eleanor Nesbit.

Oral interview of Leon Vandiver recorded by Keith S. Hebert in December 2016 for the Montgomery County Historical Society as part of their Alabama Bicentennial commemorations. The interview was conducted at Vandiver's home in Montgomery, Alabama. To…

Martin Hugh.jpg
Hugh Martin (August 11, 1914-March 11, 2011)

Hugh Martin was born in Birmingham, Alabama in 1914. He received musical training at the Birmingham Conservatory of Music. Over the course of his career, he wrote some of our most memorable songs and…
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