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Emma, the sister of Thomas, wrote to confirm the safe arrival of their mother. Emma reported that mother's sore arm was improving and the news of their brother Edmund's impending death. She reported that Sam was ill. She expressed thanks for a…

George wrote to his father to request a signature on a deed and the immediate return of the signed deed for property owned by his father and sold to Dien & Dien. George mentioned another business entity who had an interest in the deed called…

The author wrote an acknowledgment on behalf of Edmund of an invitation extended by Thomas to have Edmund come for a visit so Thomas can treat his illness. Regrets extended that Edmund cannot travel. Provides a lengthy and detailed description of…

Pierce described the pomp and circumstance surrounding the visit to West Point by the Prince of Wales. Pierce expressed his displeasure about the fuss the Yankees made over dignitaries and his readiness to join the Southern Confederacy. He…

Author extended an invitation to Pierce to visit on Pierce's next trip out west. He mentioned an upcoming duck hunt at Beaver Dam and wished that Pierce could join him. The author mentioned being annoyed with Griff for not responding to several…

Virginia writes a letter to Mother Young, detailing the family’s recent business, thanking them for gifts of apples while describing how the whole family is sick, especially George. George writes a shorter letter to accompany hers, where he speaks…

The author writes to her mother about a Masquerade she recently attended in Newport. She talks of fireworks and Impersonations of “Old John Brown of Harpers ferry.” She also writes of her dislike for the Yankees. 5 handwritten pages.

(T.J. Jones?) writes to his brother incurring about job prospects and the possibility of him coming to work for him. 2 handwritten pages.

Louisa wrote to Pierce to share news about family and friends. She commented on her appreciation for her friends welcoming her back home but explained that they seem tame after spending so time much time sojourning in the company of the "fast…

2 handwritten pages and an envelope.

Pierce's letter to his sister upon his arrival back at school. Asks her to have their father send a book for study. Chastises her for betraying his confidence regarding the reputation of a lady and then warns to be careful talking to men, they are…

A short letter to Kate that included an inquiry about when she was leaving for Carolina. Tom said that Emma wanted to travel with her, if her father would wait. One handwritten page.

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A short letter from R. Young letting his mother know he arrived in Atlanta. The cook was not there when they arrived and his porter had to find another cook. Also mentions others having breakfast and had some butter and brandy peaches. One…

Thomas begins the letter by denying that he has laid eyes on other ladies, apparently in response to accusatory letter from Kate. He mentions that he has been sick with a fever for a long time. He asks if she will marry him in November or December…

Hicks asked Dr. Jones to come take care of a child that was left with her. One handwritten page.

In the letter Blake recounted his meeting with a few girls from Newberry District and his travels with two ladies. He told Jones of all the people getting married and where they were from and also of some deaths and illnesses. He ended the letter…

In a letter to his wife, who is somewhere else, Tom asks when she is going to Columbia. He is happy she is going to Mill Creek but also misses her. He attended a conversation party as a fundraiser for church, where woman fell down the stairs. He…

A letter from a new friend from a young lady going to school in Charleston. She mentions a carriage breakdown in Greensboro. She has settled back in Charleston and is waiting for school to start back. She tells Miss Lou that she wishes all her…

A short letter about a "sort of mutiny" at the school, with 30 cadets dismissed. One handwritten page and one envelope

J.W. Jones writes to his brother asking when he plans to visit again and how much he enjoys talking business with the his brother. Jones writes of the family and how an acquaintance is unsatisfied with an alcoholic boss. 6 handwritten pages.

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A letter to her brother, whose wife (and baby) has recently died. She tells her brother to think of her in heaven. She asks about the baby, if it lived and if so does his mother-in-law have it, and an offer to take the baby if he wants. Three…

A letter to Tom from his mother-in-law (?) about the death of her daughter, Kate. She mentioned the cotton crop, a visit from his mother, She discussed Alick, who is working for Dr. Framer and asked Tom to have him stop smoking. She mentioned that…

The writer chastises Tom for not taking care of himself and tells what medicine to take for his liver problems. Mentions that the crops are poor because of the drought. He is happy to hear that Tom and Kate have made up (after a disagreement). …

In her letter to her brother, she asked if he liked his profession and if his practice was going well. She discussed the ailments of her children and all the people who had visited in the past months. She mentioned the crops and that they were in…

A rambling letter from Elizabeth Jones to her daughter Caroline Young. Jones is recovering from an illness; the writing is difficult to read and repetitive. She very much wants to see her daughter again, but cannot travel. One envelope and three…

A small slip of paper, written on both sides with edges (with words) cut off. It seems to be a receipt book page with entries covering the years 1858 - 1861. It may have been for property loans. The only name that appears on it is Geo Wm Young.

A letter to P. Young upon his leaving for West Point from his friend Fraser. He included a bouquet with the note and mentioned he will miss him most when thinking about singing together on the guitar. He said he hoped to see him again when he…

In a letter to his sister, George Young discussed their brother, Robert moving to Texas and how much he will miss him. He talked about receiving his orders and how much he will miss the rest of the family. He agreed with her opinion of the Yankees…

A very short letter, in response to one from Tom. Watts said he agreed with the plan for the perez (?) as all parties agreed. One handwritten page.

Cousin (Rupo?) writes to Tom that he received his letter detailing their stay at Montvale Springs. The cousin sends his condolences to Tom for the death of his niece. He goes on to explain his relationship with a Sue, a near cousin and hopes that…

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The unknown writer is telling Tom about his/her baby daughter and hopes that she will be able to visit her soon. 2 handwritten pages. *The second page is written in a different hand.

Letter written by Henry asking Tom if he could borrow “either a horse or mule” for an upcoming trip. 1 handwritten page.

Fannie writes to Lou informing her she will not will be able to visit due to travel problems and late arrivals. 2 handwritten pages.

Ma authors the first page and writes about Christmas events. Mary authors the final pages to Caroline because Ma is in pain. She goes to write about her desire to travel the world and that Louisa has moved to Kentucky with Thomas. She also writes…

P.M.B. Young writes a quick note to his mother about West Point, breakfast, and school. 2 handwritten pages.

In this four-page handwritten letter from Elizabeth Jones, we learn that she wrote phonetically and struggled with grammar--suggesting some degree of illiteracy. This letter is general in content and mostly describes how the family is doing, her…

Letter from Dr. Thomas F. Jones to S.V. Sheats. The letter is dated August 6, 1860 and was sent from Kingston, Georgia. The letter includes details of a proposed meeting between Jones and Sheats at a place where they have met prior - a location known…

This four-page handwritten letter from E.C. Young to his unidentified son, presumably P.M.B. Young, offers the author's condolences on the death of a friend at the military academy. He also comments on the well-being of the family and the hope that…

This three-page handwritten letter from M.L. Chester to Louisa Young condemns Louisa for not reciprocating love for him. He is clearly angered that Louisa did not agree with the friends he kept.

Following Chester's signature is a brief…

This handwritten one-page receipt, with envelope, from Stephens Hammond & Co. describes the purchase of ___________ and window glass by R.M. Young in February 1836.

In this three-page handwritten love letter, Thomas F. Jones, Jr. bestows his adoration upon the recipient. He comments how he loved another before, but the woman did not reciprocate his affections. He mentions that he traveled 500 miles by horse for…
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