A letter from Robert to his mother, sent from Savannah, Georgia. Robert describes the beauties of Savannah, and potential plans to send his children to stay with his mother. He goes on to briefly describe his time in the northern cities of…
A letter from Sister to Brother, detailing family events and the conditions of Sally, Carrie, and others. The author mentions the Summer plans of the family, as they plan to reside in Virginia Springs for the season. Additionally, a visit with Dr.…
A letter from Kate to Unknown, concerning the state of the family and family friends. Cousin Henry, Sally, and Carrie are mentioned. Kate continuously mentions her sadness at the recipient's absence. 3 handwritten pages
J.W. Jones writes to his brother asking when he plans to visit again and how much he enjoys talking business with the his brother. Jones writes of the family and how an acquaintance is unsatisfied with an alcoholic boss. 6 handwritten pages.