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Pierce is writing to his mother to express his happiness toward receiving letters from her and his brother Robert. Pierce discusses his sister's travel arrangements too. He also goes into details expressing his love of home and how it should remain…

Fannie writes to Lou informing her she will not will be able to visit due to travel problems and late arrivals. 2 handwritten pages.

A rambling letter from Elizabeth Jones to her daughter Caroline Young. Jones is recovering from an illness; the writing is difficult to read and repetitive. She very much wants to see her daughter again, but cannot travel. One envelope and three…

Emma, the sister of Thomas, wrote to confirm the safe arrival of their mother. Emma reported that mother's sore arm was improving and the news of their brother Edmund's impending death. She reported that Sam was ill. She expressed thanks for a…

PMB Young writes to his father, asking him for comments on a piece about horses that he wrote that an instructor is using in class. He sends home seeds from a plum he enjoyed, describes the events of a cadet election, and promises to write his mother…

This two-page handwritten letter, with additional envelope, is a light-heartedl note that explains the weather in Newport and how the family is doing generally. He also briefly comments on the recent visit of Aunt Mary and Aunt Georgia.

A report by P.M.B. Young to his commanding officer, Colonel W.J. Hardee, informing him that he “observed” no infractions while on guard duty. 1 handwritten page.

Letter from Dr. Thomas F. Jones to S.V. Sheats. The letter is dated August 6, 1860 and was sent from Kingston, Georgia. The letter includes details of a proposed meeting between Jones and Sheats at a place where they have met prior - a location known…

Hicks asked Dr. Jones to come take care of a child that was left with her. One handwritten page.

The author writes to her mother about a Masquerade she recently attended in Newport. She talks of fireworks and Impersonations of “Old John Brown of Harpers ferry.” She also writes of her dislike for the Yankees. 5 handwritten pages.

This hastily written two-page note expresses the author's enthusiasm and excitement for the forthcoming marriage of Dr. Jones to Lou, commenting that she is "one of the noblest of her sex." He also thanks Dr. Jones for the invitation and invites him…

From T. Farrow to Dr. Thomas Foster Jones in response to an invitation to Foster's upcoming wedding. Farrow informs Dr. Foster that he will be unable to make the wedding, but sends his best. 2 handwritten pages

Robert writes to Pierce at West Point, encouraging him to work hard and take advantage of the time he has to make the most of his studies, which will put him in the best possible position to have a good life after he graduates. He lets him know he is…

John M. Jones wrote to his cousin to Thomas to express his regret for having to decline an invitation to Thomas and Louisa's wedding, as well as an invitation to be a groomsman. 3 handwritten pages.

A small slip of paper, written on both sides with edges (with words) cut off. It seems to be a receipt book page with entries covering the years 1858 - 1861. It may have been for property loans. The only name that appears on it is Geo Wm Young.

Letter written by Henry asking Tom if he could borrow “either a horse or mule” for an upcoming trip. 1 handwritten page.

In this seven-page handwritten letter, in addition to an envelope, to P.M. Young, Josephine describes the Texas landscape in great detail, even explaining how much corn and flour cost. She is grateful for the equitable society available to her in…

P.M.B. Young writes to his sister, disapproving of her choice of Tom Jones as husband and urging her to think carefully about her decision. He mentions 4th of July celebrations at West Point and that he wants money to travel to New York soon. His…

Louisa wrote to Pierce to share news about family and friends. She commented on her appreciation for her friends welcoming her back home but explained that they seem tame after spending so time much time sojourning in the company of the "fast…

A love letter from Thomas to Kate expressing his concern about the long delay in receiving a letter from her and his high anxiety and worry about her health. He expressed how much he missed her and longed to hear from her. He asked Kate to write…

This is an apology letter from Thomas to Kate for a lapse in writing. He expresses his satisfaction in knowing that the feelings she possesses for him are stronger than anyone else in his life. He confirms his affection for her, despite enjoying…

In this three-page handwritten love letter, Thomas F. Jones, Jr. bestows his adoration upon the recipient. He comments how he loved another before, but the woman did not reciprocate his affections. He mentions that he traveled 500 miles by horse for…

Tom writes Kate a long letter wracked with insecurities after having their wedding has been postponed a week, hoping that Kate will look at him and marriage favorably and convincing her to wait and not overthink the predicament. He ends with…

Tom tells Kate that he has to cancel their upcoming visit due to a rise in patient visits. He also writes about his unsuccessful quest to find two letters she had previously written to Jones. He finishes the letter by telling her of the church choir…

In a letter to his wife, who is somewhere else, Tom asks when she is going to Columbia. He is happy she is going to Mill Creek but also misses her. He attended a conversation party as a fundraiser for church, where woman fell down the stairs. He…

Thomas writes Kate to express his love to her and his desire to be reunited with her, although he is thankful they are able to communicate through letter. He recently had a nice stay at Barnsley's, where he celebrated with music, food, and drink, and…

Thomas expresses his wish to Kate that she would write more often, and that he spends energy and emotion waiting on her letters every day. He tells her that he must hear from her to be happy.

A love letter from Dr. Thomas F. Jones, Jr. to Kate expressing concern about her recent illness, his joy and delight in her, and his love and longing to see her again. He mentioned a communion meeting at the church and an adversarial situation…

Jones is writing Kate to question why she does not write him more often. He admits to being busy, and also writing several letters that were not mailed. However, he still questions why she does not write more. He describes the dull conditions of…

The final page with author is not given, but from other similar letters this is Tom Jones to Kate. He misses her and hopes he can see her soon, he assures her despite the rumors he is not seeing anyone any longer in Kingston. 2 handwritten pages and…

In this two-page handwritten love letter to Kate, Thomas F. Jones, Jr. comments on visiting her bother, Frank, in Georgia. He explains how he desires to live in that part of the country. He indicates that he is "almost well again," but did not…

Tom tells Kate that he has written to her parents concerning the marriage proposal and his fear of rejection. 1 handwritten page.

A short letter to Kate that included an inquiry about when she was leaving for Carolina. Tom said that Emma wanted to travel with her, if her father would wait. One handwritten page.

Thomas begins the letter by denying that he has laid eyes on other ladies, apparently in response to accusatory letter from Kate. He mentions that he has been sick with a fever for a long time. He asks if she will marry him in November or December…

A letter from Thomas Jones Jr. to Kate. Thomas updates Kate about family matters, discusses recent purchases, asks about her health. 6 handwritten pages

Jones writes of his travels, his fear of Kate’s parents rejecting his marriage proposal, and his joining of a local church. 3 handwritten pages.

Thomas F. Jones, Jr. authored this seven-page handwritten letter describing an ordeal with an unidentified drunken friend. He was so drunk that Jones likened him to a "Patagonian" who likened him to "the Evil Spirit." He also reassures Kate the he is…

Tom Jones writes to Kate telling her is suffering from pneumonia and is tired because he has been caring for other sick patients the past week. He hopes she still loves him and wishes to get married; he still madly loves her and hopes to hear the…

A note to Pierce M.B. Young requesting his visit during Young's stay in New York. Unknown author mentioned that his brother was renting author's furnished house and the author was boarding with his family at 17 East 31st Street. 1 handwritten page.

Order from Confederate Army headquarters, Dept. of SC, GA & FL assigning Major General Young to the command of Iverson's Division to assume his commission. By command of Lieutenant General Hardee. Original document consists of one handwritten page.

Young’s mother is writing him to congratulate and also express her excitement concerning Young’s complete conversion to Christianity. The letter goes into detail describing the importance of accepting “the Redeemer” into one’s life.

This four-page handwritten letter from E.C. Young to his unidentified son, presumably P.M.B. Young, offers the author's condolences on the death of a friend at the military academy. He also comments on the well-being of the family and the hope that…

P.M.B. Young writes a quick note to his mother about West Point, breakfast, and school. 2 handwritten pages.

In her letter to her brother, she asked if he liked his profession and if his practice was going well. She discussed the ailments of her children and all the people who had visited in the past months. She mentioned the crops and that they were in…

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A short letter from R. Young letting his mother know he arrived in Atlanta. The cook was not there when they arrived and his porter had to find another cook. Also mentions others having breakfast and had some butter and brandy peaches. One…

A letter from P.M.B. Young to his Mother. Young discusses his health, and overcoming a recent illness. Additionally, Young outlines his views on marriage and graduation, as well as events at Fort Solomon.

Although the letter is not signed, it appears to be Louisa writing to her brother, P.M.B. Young. She informs Young of local happenings and gossip. 4 handwritten pages.
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