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- Tags: transgender equality
Interview with Mary Kitts
Tags: 2016 presidential election, ACLU, Angela Davis, antifa, Auburn women, Cameron Esposito, congresswomen, democrats, Donald Trump, Emma Watson, feminism, Fox News, gay rights, George W. Bush, Gloria Steinem, Hillary Clinton, intersectionality, Janelle Monáe, Leslie Knope, LGBTQ rights, Madonna, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Muslim ban, non-violence, Occupy Movement, Parks and Rec, Planned Parenthood, poverty and wealth disparity, privilege, protest posters, pussy hats, rape culture, refugees, republicans, resistance, safety, Sally Yates, sexism, sexual assault, sexual double standard, Social justice, Sophie Cruz, Tallahassee, transgender equality, Trump inauguration, Uber, Victoria Skelton, Washington D.C., Westboro Baptist Church, white women voters, women in politics, women's rights
Interview with Shanna Brodbeck
Tags: 2016 presidential election, Academy for Academics and Arts, Al Gore, Auburn City Fest, Baltimore Maryland, Bernie Sanders, Birmingham Alabama, Birmingham march, black lives matter, blue lives, Christianity, climate change, College Station, College Station Texas, counter-protesters, Dan Rather, Donald Trump, Emory University, Facebook, Fear, Free the Hops, Fulda Germany, gay rights, George W. Bush, Germany, gerrymandering, Grissom High School, health care, Hillary Clinton, homebrew, Honors College, Huntsville Alabama, Huntsville High School, independent, Iraq War, League of Women Voters, Leipzig Germany, LGBT, LGBTQ rights, Loyola University, MAGA, Make America Great Again, Mike Rogers, military family, Montessori, Nazis, NPR, Obamacare, Office of Accessibility, Pantsuit Nation, Pinterest, Planned Parenthood, police brutality, protest posters, racial justice, redistricting, refugee ban, Richard Shelby, safety, Steve Bannon, Tiergarten, tornadoes, transgender equality, transgender students, Trinity Lutheran, UAB, unity, voter registration, women's rights, World War II