Chambers-Robinson House

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Chambers-Robinson House


Colbert County, Alabama; Sheffield, Alabama; Chambers Robinson House; Architecture; National Register of Historic Places


The Chambers-Robinson House at 910 Montgomery Avenue in Sheffield is a two-story, Queen-Anne-style frame house, built in 1890 as a residence for Judson G. Chambers and his wife Mary. In 1898, the couple sold the home to Charles and Dora Robinson, whose descendents occupied the house for the next 64 years. The two-story frame house has a steeply pitched hipped roof supported by decorative brackets and pierced by several dormers. Another notable exterior feature is the wraparound porch, complete with elaborate posts, brackets, and latticework. Inside, a grand Eastlake staircase leads to the second story from a first-floor entry hall.

The property was listed on the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Places in 1992, and added to the National Register of Historic Places the following year.


Brian Corrigan, University of North Alabama


National Register of Historic Places, Chambers-Robinson House, Sheffield, Colbert County, Alabama, National Register #93000419.

"Chambers-Robinson House," Wikipedia, (accessed November 7, 2015).


Alabama Cultural Resource Survey


November 7, 2015


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