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First Fridays Downtown Florence
Festival; Arts; Florence, AL
On the first Friday of each month from March through December, Florence residents come together at historic downtown Florence to celebrate the town’s rich culture in the arts. The scene is a festive atmosphere and the admission is free. Streets are closed for vehicle transportations while the sidewalks and street corners are occupied by pedestrian traffic, booths, and music stages. Florence citizens and local businesses and organizations set up booths in order to sell photography, paintings, ceramics, foodstuff, and other artistic matters. On this night, many downtown stores and restaurants stay open after hours for in order to provide business and browsing. Stages are set up for local bands to perform to a mixed crowd of recognizable and new faces.
The city of Florence has put on this event since 2005. Numerous organizations and departments had to agree in order to establish the First Friday festival. Downtown Florence Unlimited, which comprises of retail and service businesses, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations, collaborated with the City of Florence, Florence Main Street Program, the University of North Alabama, and the Florence/Lauderdale Tourism Department for the event to take off. Two partner organizations associated with Florence First Fridays are The Kiwanis Club and the Kennedy-Douglas Center for the Arts.
The city of Florence has put on this event since 2005. Numerous organizations and departments had to agree in order to establish the First Friday festival. Downtown Florence Unlimited, which comprises of retail and service businesses, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations, collaborated with the City of Florence, Florence Main Street Program, the University of North Alabama, and the Florence/Lauderdale Tourism Department for the event to take off. Two partner organizations associated with Florence First Fridays are The Kiwanis Club and the Kennedy-Douglas Center for the Arts.
Jesse Brock, University of North Alabama
“First Fridays Art Event in Downtown Florence,” Explore the Shoals, 2008-2009, 140.
Downtown Florence Unlimited, “Partner Organizations,” Florence First Fridays, http://www.firstfridaysflorence.org/partners.html (accessed May 1, 2015).
“October First Friday in Florence,” Times Daily, http://www.timesdaily.com/collection_1a88741a-2d58-11e3-9a28-001a4bcf6878.html (accessed May 1, 2014).
“First Fridays Art Event in Downtown Florence,” Explore the Shoals, 2008-2009, 140.
Downtown Florence Unlimited, “Partner Organizations,” Florence First Fridays, http://www.firstfridaysflorence.org/partners.html (accessed May 1, 2015).
“October First Friday in Florence,” Times Daily, http://www.timesdaily.com/collection_1a88741a-2d58-11e3-9a28-001a4bcf6878.html (accessed May 1, 2014).
Alabama Cultural Resource Survey
21st Century
21st Century